New Addiction Informati
Released Via Free Video
Released on: May 15, 2008, 5:01 pm
Press Release Author: Thomas Sean
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: Taking advantage of online media has become a necessity for one to overcome an addiction with success, and a leader in the industry has a solution.
Press Release Body: A new form of media has surfaced in addiction recovery that was previously not popular online- the advent of streaming video technology hits Internet users thanks to helpful resource
The new video service at seeks to give anyone with an amiable Internet connection an easy way to get fact quickly, clear, and with concise facts. The streaming technology allows users to view the content as it is downloading, instead of having to wait.
The resource included video functionality in response to some requesting an easier way to retain a lot of information and quickly. The obvious solution, then, was to consult technological advances in digital streaming.
The new streaming technology was an addition to the extensive database of addiction knowledge found on The already established information has drawn a massive fan base to create a loyal following, and the video streaming technology is but icing on the cake.
It is expected that will continue to take advantage of new technologies in order to better serve their users.
Web Site:
Contact Details: Thomas Sean Addiction Institute 1590 NE 162nd Street North Miami Beach, FL 33162 USA 800-559-9503
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